全新Moncler x Palm Angels Genius 系列为您带来灵感。采用优质面料的创新服装!在 Moncler.com 上选择您的最爱。
The City of Genius by Palm AngelsWHERE RETRO RACING GOES FULL CIRCLE Inspired by the speed and glamor of car racing, the space was conceived as a palm-lined, working kart track that captures the atmospheric essence of competitive racing in the 70s. Moncler x Palm Angels The collection, worn...
Get inspired by the new Moncler x Palm Angels Genius collection. Innovative garments from high quality materials! Choose your favorites at Moncler.com.
The City of Genius by Palm AngelsWHERE RETRO RACING GOES FULL CIRCLE Inspired by the speed and glamor of car racing, the space was conceived as a palm-lined, working kart track that captures the atmospheric essence of competitive racing in the 70s. Moncler x Palm Angels The collection, worn...
從全新 Moncler x Palm Angels Genius 系列中得到靈感。採用優質材質的創新服飾!請上 Moncler.com 選擇您的最愛。
Get inspired by the new Moncler x Palm Angels Genius collection. Innovative garments from high quality materials! Choose your favorites at Moncler.com.
Discover The Art of Lightness with Moncler x Palm Angels collection. Explore the evolution of Americana archetypes through Francesco Ragazzi's vision.
自Moncler Genius项目诞生起,Francesco Ragazzi主理的Moncler x Palm Angels联名系列始终自成焦点,不断以非凡系列叙写潮流新篇,颂扬自由、个性及轻盈。饱满廓形交叠柔软纹理,翩然塑就轻盈质感;乐享态度加持不羁意志,率性描摹轻盈心灵。 2023年2月,盟可睐Moncler The Art of Genius天才创艺大秀在伦敦时装周震撼上演,为本...
【Moncler X Palm Angels 合作系列发布】在十月份举办的上海“天才之城”大秀上,Francesco Ragazzi 大胆构想的赛车主题作品首次亮相Palm Angels 街区。棕榈树围场的卡丁车赛道上,“复古赛车环绕疾驰”,引擎的模拟轰鸣声响彻整个活力四射的沉浸式空间,诚挚致敬 F1 赛车的复古魅力。活力澎湃的梦幻场地洋溢 1970 年代赛车的...
在十月份举办的上海“天才之城”大秀上,Francesco Ragazzi大胆构想的赛车主题作品首次亮相Palm Angels街区。棕榈树围场的卡丁车赛道上,“复古赛车环绕疾驰”,引擎的模拟轰鸣声响彻整个活力四射的沉浸式空间,诚挚致敬F1赛车的复古魅力。活力澎湃的梦幻场地洋溢1970年代赛车的怀旧气息与南加州的浪漫风情,Moncler x Palm Angel...