In each of the four countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), children's palliative care is provided as part of Child Health Services through the National Health Service (NHS), which is free at the point of access, with contributions from voluntary sectors. It has been ...
n.d.. Accessed Mar 2024. Palliative Care Australia. Investing to save – the economics of increased investment in palliative care in Australia. Palliative Care Australia and KPMG; 2020. https://palliativecare....
Department of Critical Care, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK Victoria Metaxa Department of Palliative Medicine, Charles University, General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic Kateřina Rusinová Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utr...
This handbook contains guidance to help GPs, community nurses and hospital staff as well as specialist palliative care teams. It aims to provide a checklist for the management of common problems in palliative care, with some information on drug treatment. Source: Clinical Resource: Han...
Palliative Care: The Solid Facts. World Health Organisation, 2004. [3] NHS Confederation, British Medical Association. Revisions to the GMS contract 2006/7: delivering investment in general practice. London, 2006. Available from http:// GP ...
Hospizkompetenz und Palliative Care im Alter. Eine Einführung. Freiburg im Breisgau: Lambertus, 2010:145–60.Search in Google Scholar 14. North West Coast Strategic Clinical Network. Palliative-care-guidelines-in-dementia, 2018. (Zitierdatum 08.04.2021).
Mark Taubert, FRCP, FRCGP, FLSW:Velindre University NHS Trust and Cardiff University School of Medicine, UK Simon Tavabie, MRCP:University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, UK BMC Palliative Carehas published this Collection on Digital health and technology in palliative care. As the landscape ...
palliative care unit A facility for the care of patients with active, progressive, far-advanced disease—usually understood to be cancer, but also incapacitating multiple sclerosis and other progressive neurologic diseases—who have a dismal prognosis and for whom the focus of care is the quality ...
NHS reforms and community care legislation in the UK have created both challenges and opportunities for collaborative working between agencies and the potential for the more active involvement of users and carers in this process. This paper examines this in the context of palliative care, more ...
Family caregivers are vital for long-term care for persons with serious health-related suffering in Kerala. Long-term caregiving and ageing may become burdensome and detrimental to patients and caregivers. We compared the caregiver burden and quality-of-