PALL corporation是一家1946年成立于美国纽约的外资独资公司,总部在纽约,中国总部位于北京市经济技术开发区,上海分公司位于上海市张江高科哈雷路917弄3号楼。业务涉及过滤、分离和纯化,服务于生命科学和综合工业领域。 Pall Corporation的基本信息 公司名称:PALL Corporation(美国颇尔公司) 公司...
Pall Corporation provides solution for Filtration, Separations, Purification & Environmental Technology for the fluid management needs. Manufactures wide range of filtration and separation equipment and products. Applications include electronics, healthcare, industrial fluids, aerospace, defense, marine, etc. ...
传真:(010)67802328 Email: (Life Sciences) Email: (Industrial) Supplying filtration, separations, and purifications technologies that are essential to industry Pall Corporation is the largest and most diverse filtration, separations and purifications company ...
目前正在进行调查以确定根本原因, Pall Corporation对其生产的营养液过滤器 (注册或备案号:国械注进20173661664)主动召回。召回级别为三级。涉及产品的型号、规格及批次等详细信息见《医疗器械召回事件报告表》。附件:医疗器械召回事件报告表
Pall Corporation (East Hills, NY, USA) has acquired BioSepra, the process proteomics division of Ciphergen Biosystems IncPall Corporation (East Hills, NY, USA) has acquired BioSepra,...Jennifer Gonzalez
Pall Corporation推出SepraLYTE™气液凝聚器,用于绿氢生产 绿色氢气是生产氢气的最清洁方式之一,对于许多行业实现零排放至关重要。Pall Corporation提供过滤和分离解决方案,帮助绿氢生产商降低成本。全球领先的过滤、分离和纯化解决方案提供商Pall Corporation,推出了SepraLYTE气液凝聚器。该创新性解决方案旨在满足电解...
摘要: Pune:Pall Corporation,a global leader in filtration,separation and purification systems and technologies,announced the formal inauguration of its newest Pall Advanced Separation Systems(PASS)facility,located in Hinjewadi,Pune,India's fast-growing technology center. 年份: 2008 收藏...
品牌: Pall Corporation UE610AP40Z Athalon滤芯 UE610AP40Z Athalon 工作最大压差: 5 过滤精度: 5 过滤面积: 5㎡㎡ 进出口径: 5mmmm 用途范围: 5 原水压力: 5MPaMPaMPaMPa 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选...
Entity Name 企业名称 PALL MALL CORPORATION Entity Number 企业注册号 440316 Tax ID 税号 - Status 企业状态 INACTIVE Formation / Incorporation Date 成立日期 - Registered Capital 注册资本 - Paid Capital 实缴资本 - Entity Type 企业类型 Florida Profit Corporation QCC Code 企查查编码 QUS1HR61SM Entity Cl...
Copyright2001byPennWellCorporation Gasflowstosales,whileliquidhydro- carbonsarefurtherprocessedtoproduce LPGwithadefinedspecification. Theheavymethanol, rich aqueous phase (75% MeOH) is recycled to the top of the IFPEX-1 contactor. As the gas rises ...