Write a Java program to check if a positive number is a palindrome or not. Pictorial Presentation: Sample Solution: Java Code: importjava.util.*;publicclasstest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){intnum;// Create a Scanner object for user inputScannerin=newScanner(System.in);// Prompt the ...
Java - Array Programs Java - ArrayList Programs Java - Swing Programs Java - Applet Programs Java - list Programs Java - Conversion Programs Java - File & Directory Programs Java - Number System Conversion Programs Java - LinkedList Programs Java - Stack Programs Java - Queue Interface Programs ...
Here, we are going to learn how to check whether a given number is palindrome or not in JavaScript.
Below image shows the output of the above longest palindrome java program. We can improve the above code by moving the palindrome and longest lengths check into a different function. However, I have left that part for you. :) Please let me know if there are any other better implementati...
Write a program named Palindrome.java that prompts the user to enter a string. Your program should have a a static function named isPalindrome. This function should accept a string as an input and should return a boolean. The return value is true ...
Check Palindrome String in Python While Ignoring Case and Spaces Example # Enter input number or string word = input() # Check if the string is a palindrome, ignoring case and spaces def is_palindrome(s): s = "".join(c.lower() for c in s if c.isalnum()) return s == s[::-1...
1. User must enter a string. 2. The string is passed as an argument to a recursive function. 3. In the function, if the length of the string is less than 1, True is returned. 4. If the last letter is equal to the first letter, the function is called recursively with the argument...
Find the longest palindrome element in the given array in C Programming. We can call a number a palindrome when the number is equal to the reverse of the same number i.e., when read from forward or backward it is the same. For this, the inputs necessary are the size of the array ...
Check palindrome number in javaimport java.util.Scanner; class CheckNumberPalindromeOrNotPalindromeClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ //rev variable is used to store reverse of actual_num //actual_num contains number accepted from user //temp_num variable is used for temporary ...
Java - Conversion Programs Java - File & Directory Programs Java - Number System Conversion Programs Java - LinkedList Programs Java - Stack Programs Java - Queue Interface Programs Java - HashSet Programs Java - Exception Handling Programs Java - Math Class Programs Java - Vector Class Programs ...