The watermelon has long been a symbol for Palestine, since at least the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel seized control of the West Bank and Gaza and made it illegal to publicly display the Palestinian flag,according toTIME. Palestinians began using the watermelon instead because the colors...
(@eye.on.palestine2) were both unavailable on the app as of Wednesday. The backup account was created to protect the original page and fight againstshadowbanning, a problem Instagram users have said they've faced while sharing pro-Palestine content since the beginning of theIsrael-Hamas ...
Between 1948 and 1967, the Gaza Strip witnessed several armed conflicts between Israeli forces and Arab guerrillas fighting against Israel; it was taken by Israel the first time in 1956 and reverted back to Egyptian control a year later, and was occupied again by Israelis in June 1967 after th...
The protest movement is dominated by an amalgamation of military reservists, former senior members of Israel’s notorious secret police, the Shin Bet [Israel’s internal security service], economic liberals, and various other Zionist and nationalistic groups. ...
European Court of Human Rights Delivers Major Blow to Israel’s War on BDS UK Opposition Leader Corbyn Condemns Gaza ‘Outrage’ The Gaza Genocide 44176 Killed 104473 Wounded 10000 Missing Don’t Postpone Your Solidarity The Palestine Chronicle is Calling on All Its Readers to C...
Chase: Not long after the first calls to boycott Starbucks (initially a short-term response to the company's treatment of its pro-Palestine union, Starbucks Workers United), users began an internet-wide survey of brands—and celebrities—that might have ties to Israel. ...
Geology of Palestine: The West Bank and Gaza Strip; Palestinian Hydrology Group: Jerusalem, Israel, 1999. 12. Jebreen, H.; Wohnlich, S.; Wisotzky, F.; Banning, A.; Niedermayr, A.; Ghanem, M. Recharge estimation in semi-arid karst catchments: Central West Bank, Palestine. Grundwasser...