the United States initiated the Road Map for Peace (published on June 24, 2002), which was intended to end the Intifada by disarming the Palestinian terror groups and creating an independent Palestinian state. The Road Map has stalled awaiting the implementation of the step...
No. The above world map is ofJuly 1914, at the beginning of World War I. The Paris Peace Conference begins inJanuary 1919. When the some 25 nations around the world — representing a global jury — participating in the post-war conference convened, they were unaware of theSykes-Picot Agr...
The image below shows the Israel map as per the UN plan and today Though both Jewish and the Palestine people were not happy with the partition plan. The part given to Israel was mostly the desert of Negev Desert, with no permanent settlement. ...
Before 1948 Historically, Palestine was one country, but over the past century its political system has been influenced and controlled by several countries. Consider theOttoman Empire, which lasted until 1920, and theBritish mandate(1920-1948) (Map 1.a). The laws governing water and land ownersh...