时长01:370/000:00/01:37切换到横屏模式继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/01:3701:37全屏倍速播放中0.5倍0.75倍1.0倍1.5倍2.0倍超清流畅您的浏览器不支持 video 标签继续观看中葡時尚融匯 — Palavras de Ana Cardoso观看更多转载,中葡
Thus, the proposal presented in this research presents a methodological path to think about teaching art with words-images-words.de Melo Dias, Lara MariaBraga Ferreira Cabral, Valéria FabianeApotheke
KB4530080: atualizar as palavras com ortografia incorreta em server_principal_sid e server_principal_name descrição no SQL Server 2019Applies ToSQL Server 2019 on Windows Dividi Este aperfeiçoamento atualiz...
外部播放此歌曲> Nairo Poliglota、C.O Nacionalista - Ritmo e Palavras 专辑:Ritimo e Poesia 歌手:Nairo PoliglotaC.O Nacionalista 还没有歌词哦
Jogo educativo desenvolvido em Godot para aprimorar vocabulário e comunicação de alunos do ensino fundamental (1º ao 5º ano). O projeto promove aprendizado lúdico em português, com módulos temáticos e sistema de recompensas, incentivando a memorização de palavras e a constru...
The present article features the analysis of the textual trajectory and the entextualizations of two ads concerning slave trade issued in 1854 - i.e., in the 19th century - in the Correio Paulistano newspaper. It also features the analysis of five ads posted in t...
Normas de Associa o Semantica de 50 Palavras do Português Brasileiro para Crian as: Tipo, For a de Associa o e Set SizeLists of semantically-related words are fundamental when dealing with explicit and implicit memory experiments. The present study investigates the evocation of semantic associates...
This article describes the morphosyntactic annotation of the C-ORAL-BRASIL speech corpus, using an adapted version of the Palavras parser. In order to achieve compatibility with annotation rules designed for standard written Portuguese, transcribed words were orthographically normalized, and the parsing ...
Bick, E., Mello, H., Panunzi, A., Raso, T.: The annotation of the C-ORAL-BRASIL oral through the implementation of the Palavras Parser. In: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), pp. 3382–3386. ELRA, Istanbul (2012)...
Imagens e palavras na literatura infantil e juvenil afro-brasileira: desconstruindo preconceitosdoi:10.15448/1984-4301.2023.1.44326PREJUDICESLITERATUREBuilt in the school space, the fraternal relationship of two adolescents, Anderson and Fabinho, is strengthened by the wisd...