Talent Path Talent Calculator Order The Retribution tree has a lot of talents that are very important to grab as soon as they are available. So many in fact that sometimes you will have to choose between two very good talents, delaying great talents for a few levels because even better ta...
Holy Paladin is one of the best leveling classes in the game. You have extreme versatility in the fact that you can either tank or heal dungeons while also swapping to DPS for solo questing. At lower levels, you will often have the easiest time leveling up by playing Holy or Prot and ...
Paladins benefit from Expertise – hence Combat Expertise in our talent tree. However, we do benefit from it less than Warrior tanks since it benefits tanks in two ways: It allows for less of our attacks to be dodged or parried – which grants us more threat. The only real time that thi...
000+. You will be asked to heal and cleanse because you can. You will not be welcome as a tank, Warriors have always been better than you at that. You can still focus on the Retribution tree and have enough in Holy to be an
You will not be welcome as a tank, Warriors have always been better than you at that. Though you can still focus on the Retribution tree and have enough in Holy to be an effective Pally. However, you need to acquire a bunch of Intelligence heavy gear. You should really keep multiple ...
It’s very clear that Blizzard wants us to make choices as Ret Paladins. We can’t just miraculously have it all wrapped up in a nice neat package because a handful of players want one build that can tank, top the dps meters and keep the entire raid healed while wearing full plate. ...
If your tank holds threat properly imp BoP 2 points is a waste, for more raid mobility, you’d be amazed on how well PoJ works to get out of all the annoying ground clutters, for example Lady Deathwhisper, allowing you to stay a few more swings in and still able to get out with ...