PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElemental.lua ShamanEnhancement.lua ShamanRestoration.lua WarlockAffliction.lua WarlockDemonology.lua WarlockDestruction.lua WarriorArms.lua WarriorFury.lua WarriorProtection.lua UI .gitattributes .gitignore...
Three things you should watch out for on the ground are corrupted brew which looks like a light blue/brown swirling thing, any poison puddles that He might have dropped and sha sear which looks just like the shadow priest version. The player with sha sear should move slightly out such that...
MYSTIC FIRE: Knights of the Mystic Fire are paladins dedicated to the church of Mystra, goddess of magic. They are proficient in martial combat as well as arcane magic. Aside from traditional virtues of paladinhood, Mystic Fire Knights devote part of their lives in the discovery and study o...
PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElemental.lua ShamanEnhancement.lua ShamanRestoration.lua WarlockAffliction.lua WarlockDemonology.lua WarlockDestruction.lua WarriorArms.lua WarriorFury.lua WarriorProtection.lua UI .gitattributes .gitignore ...
–+1 to Saving Throws vs. Spells. Gains an additional +1 at level 5 and every 5 levels gained thereafter. –The Mystic Fire's spells are cast as though they were a cleric of the same level. –May cast the following spells as priest spells: ...
PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElemental.lua ShamanEnhancement.lua ShamanRestoration.lua WarlockAffliction.lua WarlockDemonology.lua WarlockDestruction.lua WarriorArms.lua WarriorFury.lua WarriorProtection.lua UI .gitattributes .gitignore...
{ id = 642, duration = 8, mechanic = "invulneraility", type = "Magic", max_stack = 1 }, divine_steed = { id = 221886, duration = function () return 4 * ( 1 + ( conduit.lights_barding.mod * 0.01 ) ) + ( 2 * talent.seasoned_warhorse.rank ) + ( 2 * talen...
Spells. Gains an additional +1 at level 5 and every 5 levels gained thereafter.–The Mystic Fire's spells are cast as though they were a cleric of the same level.–May cast the following spells as priest spells: Level 1: Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp* , Shield, Find Familiar...
PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElemental.lua ShamanEnhancement.lua ShamanRestoration.lua WarlockAffliction.lua WarlockDemonology.lua WarlockDestruction.lua WarriorArms.lua WarriorFury.lua WarriorProtection.lua UI .gitattributes .git...
PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElemental.lua ShamanEnhancement.lua ShamanRestoration.lua WarlockAffliction.lua WarlockDemonology.lua WarlockDestruction.lua WarriorArms.lua WarriorFury.lua WarriorProtection.lua UI .gitattributes .gitignor...