var result = [{cNm:'未找到相关配种',fML:99999999}]; if(c1) { // 计算繁殖力 arr.forEach(a=>{ var fML1=(Math.abs(c1.fL-Math.floor((fzlp+a.fL+1)/2))*1000+c1.iO); var fML11=(Math.abs(c11.fL-Math.floor((fzlp+a.fL+1)/2))*1000+c11.iO); var fML12=(Math.abs(c12.fL...
image: container_name: palworld-pal-editor # stdin_open: true # or tty: true, to keep cli py interactive mode running network_mode: host # network_mode: host ports: - 58081:58081 - 12345:12345 environment: - TZ=UTC - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - ...
If you do decide to go the combat route, you'll need a squad of thebest Palsto back you up. APalworld mountcan also help in combat, or if you want a fast way to explore the map to look for eggs. Either way, here's how to hatch the Pal eggs you find around the map, and bu...
Palworld Suzaku location. Image via Thedefault way to get SuzakuinPalworldis to fight it in its natural habitat atDuneshelternear the small body of water in the middle. Suzaku is around level 45 and isn’t too difficult to fight if you’re well-prepared. But, this means tha...
1.全物种出现地有标出新手必备挖矿宠位置了 建议死后重生从左上过去比较快单人可以把设置的死亡处罚关闭 这样随时可以 ESC 自杀回家 2.全物件、传点、收集品、洞窟、野王
operator<<(FArchive&, TArray<EPalMapObjectItemContainerSlotAttribute, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >&) [D:/works/repos/Pal_SVN/Pal-UE-EngineBinary/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Containers/Array.h:1279] Check log for full callstack. To Reproduce...
- ./palworld:/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/ PalGameWorldSettings(游戏配置) 在palworld-arm-docker 文件夹下面创建 PalWorldSettings.ini 文件。 官方文档:配置生成器: ...
PalWorld_server_config是一款帕鲁服务器配置生成工具,它可以帮助玩家快速方便地生成适合自己的服务器配置文件。该工具支持多种参数设置,包括世界大小、生物生成率、难度等级、游戏模式、服务器名称、最大玩家数量等,可以根据用户的需求进行个性化的配置。 使用该工具生成配置文件后,用户只需要将其放入服务器相应的文件夹...
- ./palworld:/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/ PalGameWorldSettings(游戏配置) 在palworld-arm-docker 文件夹下面创建 PalWorldSettings.ini 文件。 官方文档:配置生成器: ...