Warming your Egg Incubator helps to speed up the hatching process in Palworld. This guide breaks down exactly how to heat up your Egg Incubator. One way of collecting new Pals is by finding Pal Eggs around the game. If you collect these eggs, you can hatch them back at your base for ...
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Time(h) to incubate massive egg 孵化大蛋的时间(h) ServerPlayerMaxNum Maximum number of people who can join the server 服务器最多可加入人数 ServerName Server name 服务器名称 ServerDescription Server description 服务器描述 AdminPassword AdminPassword 管理员密码 ServerPassword ...
The hatching time for each egg in Palworld is slightly different depending on its type and the base location of the incubator. In a normal setting, an egg takes up to 2 hours to hatch. If you want, you can change the time settings of the game by setting the time from anywhere between...
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime 伙伴蛋默认孵化时间(小时) PalSpawnNumRate 伙伴生成数量倍率 PalStaminaDecreaceRate 伙伴体力减少速率 PalStomachDecreaceRate 伙伴饥饿减少速率 PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate 玩家自动血量恢复倍率 PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep 睡眠中玩家自动血量恢复倍率 PlayerDamageRateAttack 玩家攻击伤害倍率 Player...
How to get incubators in Palworld Getting an incubator is the most important part of hatching an egg because the egg is useless without it. Fortunately, they’re not hard to get. Egg Incubators are unlocked at level 7, and you need the following materials to make one: 🎮 Must-Listen:...
进入到pal/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/这个目录,点击第2页,可以看到PalWorldSettings.ini这个配置文件,点击编辑就可以修改它了,不过一般是空的,需要将默认配置文件里的内容复制进去。 进入到 pal 目录,可以看到有一个DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini文件,这个就是默认配置文件,点击编辑,复制里面的内容。
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime: 伙伴蛋默认孵化时间。 WorkSpeedRate: 工作速率,影响游戏中各种工作的速度。 bIsMultiplay: 是否启用多人游戏。 bIsPvP: 是否启用玩家间对战。 bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop: 是否可以捡起其他公会玩家死亡惩罚的物品。
进入到 pal 目录,可以看到有一个 DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini 文件,这个就是默认配置文件,点击编辑,复制里面的内容。 回到pal/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini 文件,编辑,将上面复制的内容粘贴进去并保存。 接着就可以修改里面的配置项了,看不懂英文可以按下面这个注释版修改,不要直接将下面的复...
首先引用官方原文:https://tech.palworldgame.com/dedicated-server-guide#linux 部署通过steamcmd部署,游戏服务器运行需要额外安装Steamworks工具。 安装预先环境 新建账号并切换账号 useradd steam su - steam steamcmd下载 新建自定义路径 mkdir palworld_server ...