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The script is poetic, meaning is deep and everyone’s acting skills are incredible. A few of you might not know that this is the 3rdpart with the same name. This time, you will witness Iqra Aziz, Junaid Khan and Feroze Khan take center stage. The name says it all, nonetheless the w...
Root Canal Configurations and Morphological Variations in Maxillary and Mandibular Second Molars in a Pakistani Populationdoi:10.29271/jcpsp.2023.12.1372Suresh, SarangKalhoro, Feroze AliRani, PriyaMemon, MahwishAlvi, MuzamilRajput, FoziaJournal of the College of Physicians & Sur...
The frequency of median artery was 28.8% in Pakistani, higher than those of Black South Africans (27.1%) and White South Africans (27.4%). It was significantly higher than reported by previous workers (4.4% to 8.3%).Nasir AzizNaseem FerozeAtiya Mubarik...
Neve rtheless the main scallope in these leaflets had dimensions which were comparable with those of uniscalloped posterior leaflet.SHAMIM AKHTAR CHEEMAANJUM JALALNASEEM FEROZEJAWAD SAJID KHANPakistan Heart Journal