Pakistan Country Code used for long distance calling. Instantly see ALL Pakistan area codes. Country codes and Area codes for Pakistan made easy!Bahawal Pur area codes and much more!
Pak Pattan dialing code connects easily from all over Pakistan to ensure smooth communication. Find Pak Pattan phone code for a quick call with a dialing code.
Pattoki dialing code connects easily from all over Pakistan to ensure smooth communication. Find Pattoki phone code for a quick call with a dialing code.
Complete guide on how to dial Pakistan with country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format...
Global Call Forwarding is now present in Pakistan with new phone numbers, enabling businesses to grow in South Asia. Get a Pakistan virtual number so that business contacts in Pakistan can easily get in touch with you. A Pakistan local phone number will have Pakistan’s country code +92 and...
Country code PAK is the entry for Pakistan in ISO 3166 standard.Alpha-2 country code for Pakistan is PK.For the list of all the alpha-3 country codes see List of 3-letter Country Codes. For the list of two-letter country codes of ISO 3166 see List of Country Codes For more ...
The international calling code for Pakistan is "+92." To make an international call to Pakistan, you would typically dial your country's exit code (often represented by a plus sign, such as "+"), followed by 92, and then the local phone number in Pakistan. ...
Find Pakistan postal code, Gold Silver Price, Petrol Price, Telephone dialling code, Country Codes |
{"name":"Jane Doe","email":"","phone":"3097524704","document":"1234567890123","address": {"country":"PK","state":"Sind","city":"Karachi","zip_code":"88058","street":"Man St.","number":"5940"} },"order_id":"345453483kqw0","description":"Tshirt","...
Time zone--- Summer (DST)--- Time zones1 Population 190668000 Long NameIslāmī Jumhūriya'eh Pākistān Capital CityIslamabad CurrencyPKR AbbreviationsPK, PAK Phone Code92 LanguageEnglish Weather in Pakistan More information about Pakistan Pakistan is a large country in SouthAsia. Located along the...