On Saturday, the nation was celebrating Independence Day while unknown hackers Technology Awards 2024: Celebrating the Best of Pakistan’s TikTok Community On: February 15, 2025 TikTok Creator Awards 2024: Celebrating the Best of Pakistan’s TikTok Community Lahore ( Web News ) In a grand ...
This period of imperialism was a time of great violence and gave way to Indian Uprisings against the British oppressors.Demands were made for both independence and the creation of a Muslim state, to which Britain acceded prior to their withdrawal in 1947. ...
Jinnah’s differences with the Congress developed after the arrival on the scene of the populist M.K. Gandhi, coincidentally also a Guajarati lawyer. Jinnah, believing that independence could be achieved through constitutional means alone, opposed Congress adopting Gandhi’s non-violent civil disobedie...
India was already far along toward some kind of independence by the outbreak of World War II. The manner of Britain’s going was more the issue than that it would happen. The speed and the nature of the withdrawal are debated to this day, as is the rough partition of British India into...
Islamabad and New Delhi have a long history of bitter relations since gaining independence from British colonial rule in 1947. Both sides claim the Himalayan region of Kashmir in its entirety, and the Indian-controlled portion is the only Muslim majority state in India. Tensions have been high ...
Basically, there are two systems of education prevalent in Pakistan: the traditional religion-based education system and the modern formal education system begun under British colonial rule and continued after the country's independence. Both systems are financed by the ministry of education, although ...
Defence Day in Pakistan is one of the three most important National Days of Pakistan. The other two are:March 23 Pakistan Day– which commemorates the passing of Lahore Resolution AND14 August Pakistan Independence Day– which celebrates the independence of Pakistan from British-ruled India. ...
Since 1989 more than 80,000 have died in insurgencies in Kashmir and the northeastern states. Manmohan Singh himself has called the Maoist insurgency centered on the state of Chhattisgarh the biggest internal security threat to India since independence. The Maoists, however, are confined to rural ...
Independence 14 August 1947 (from British India) National holiday Pakistan Day (also referred to as Pakistan Resolution Day or Republic Day), 23 March (1940); note - commemorates both the adoption of the Lahore Resolution by the All-India Muslim League during its 22-24 March 1940 session, wh...
Pakistan, populous multiethniccountryofSouth Asia. Having a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been associated with its neighboursIran,Afghanistan, andIndia. Since Pakistan and India achieved independence fromBritishrule on August 14−15, 1947, celebrate...