i am Haseeb Hussain S/O Ayaz Hussain i going to make smart NIC card because my age is 15. and i am living in lahore cantt. so when return to home mostly when i crossing the check post they create problem for me to enter in cannt ask me tou show your ID So i have no ID. I ...
巴基斯坦1948 - 1953年8枚硬币Pakistan 1948-1953 Mint Set of 8 Coins,UNC 中邮网是国内集邮、钱币、金银币等收藏领域成立较早、实力较雄厚的电子商务网站及邮票钱币资讯网站,是目前发展较快的综合性中文收藏品商城,涉及集邮、钱币、邮票、金银币、卡、图书及资讯等其它
We seek a dynamic(精干的), forward-thinking Chief Executive with ability to provide strong leadership and effective management to deliver its organization goals and strategic plan. The successful candidate(候选人) should have the business both pre and post shareholding with a proven record....
According to a recent report, some once-hot majors like English, Computer and Law for Chinese students entering college have now fallen out of favor. The reason is that more graduates studying in those fields end up 1 .This year, a sample of 500,000 college 2 from 2009 were surveyed and...
Guy Fawkes was found in the cellar on the night of 4th November with the thirty-six barrels and a number of fuses.He was imprisoned and ill-treated, eventually giving away the names of the conspirators. Soldiers of the king surrounded Holbeach House, in the Midlands, where they knew the ...