NEW DELHI - News of Pakistan's first-ever nuclear tests on Thursday and again on Saturday has...Lloyd, Marion
The next step in this process is signing and ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Prior to the tests, a systematic campaign against the CTBT launched by the pro-nuclear lobby succeeded in confusing the issue considerably, but an examination of their arguments shows that none of ...
Aslam defended Pakistan, saying it was not the first country to introduce nuclear weapons into South Asia. The comment apparently referred to archrival India, with whom Pakistan has fought three wars with since 1947. "We were not the first to test nuclear weapons in this region and that remain...
These deterrent messages may have strengthened the resolve of Pakistan’s nuclear requirement-setters not to be deterred. Put another way, the small circle of nuclear decision makers in Pakistan seem to be acquiring the capabilities to destroy India as a functioning society in the event of uncont...
ISLAMABADPakistan on Wednesday tested a nuclear capable ballistic missile targeting a location in the Arabian sea along the country's southern coast line, a senior government official told CBS News. The missile known as the 'Shaheen-1' has a range of 900 kilometers, according to a statement is...
Explained: Pakistan’s Missiles, Why We Test Them? Sea Project P-282: Pakistan Navy’s Hypersonic Weapons Program Strategic Arsenal Analysis of Pakistan’s Second Strike Capability Air Ensured Nuclear Strike: Indian Ballistic Missile Defense and Pakistani Countermeasures ...
Ali Nawaz works at a motorcycle factory at Hub Chowki in Balochistan, near Somiani, the sun-baked coastal area from where Pakistan recently test-fired the nuclear-capable Abdali missile as a warning to a war-ready India. From here, it takes over two hours to get to Karachi, driving east...
Pakistan's nuclear weapons Pakistan's politics Pakistan's Rule of Law Pakistan's terrorist masterminds Pakistan's terrorist training institutes Pakistan, Balochistan, Afghanistan, Iran Pakistani expansionism Palestine Panics Paper money and deposits Paris Parliamentary Backbenchers Parliamenta...
2) Who is the first Governor General ofPakistan? a)Mohammed Ali Jinnah b) Liaquat Ali Khan c) Ayub Khan d) Iskander Mirza 3) What was the major event of 1971? a)Bangladeshbroke away fromPakistan b) Explosion of nuclear bomb c) Tashkent Agreement ...
Pakistan became a declared nuclear power in 1998, when it conducted underground nuclear tests in response to those carried out by its rival and neighbor India. The two sides regularly test-fired their short, medium and long-range missiles. The two South Asi...