Cricket in Pakistan was a colonial hand-me-down, and when India and Pakistan obtained independence in 1947, much of the sport's infrastructure in Pakistan was inherited from what had been left there pre-independence. They won their second Test, against India in 1952, but it was a famous up...
Pakistan and India Observe 50 Years of IndependenceM, MELSEVIEREncyclopedia of Language & Linguistics
Cricket in Pakistan was a colonial hand-me-down, and when India and Pakistan obtained independence in 1947, much of the sport's infrastructure in Pakistan was inherited from what had been left there pre-independence. They won their second Test, against India in 1952, but it was a famous up...
India and Pakistan are countries in Asia. Pakistan was once part of India. When India gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, it was partitioned into two countries: India and Pakistan. This was done because Pakistan was to be a separate state for Muslims....
This took place as Britain, India’s imperial ruler, was handing back power to its colonies. The fight to gain independence for India was a tense yet tireless one for political leaders such as Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, Jawarharlal Nehru, who became India’s first prime minister, and Muhamm...
Pakistan, populous multiethnic country of South Asia. With a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been associated with its neighbors Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Since 1947 Pakistan has been distinguis
Multan, city, south-central Punjab province, east-central Pakistan. The city was subdued by Alexander the Great in 326 BCE and was brought under Umayyad rule about 712 CE. The commercial and military key to the southern route into India, it suffered seve
"India and Pakistan are completing five decades of their independence. Since the partition, the relationship between the two countries has been uneasy and characterized by a set of paradoxes. There is a mixture of love and hate, a tinge of envy and admiration, bouts of paranoia and longing fo...
India's Independence From Britain | Division & History from Chapter 24 / Lesson 4 31K See how India achieved independence from Britain. Learn about the division of India, Mohandas Gandhi and the Indian Independence Movement. Related to this QuestionWho...
The nuclear-armed neighbours - that have fought three wars since both won independence from colonial power Britain - have long accused each other of equipping insurgents. But Saturday's announcement by Pakistan's foreign minister and military at a news conference in the capital Islamab...