Pakelo is an Italian high performance oil producer and specialist in the lubricant made to measure service. Reliable oil since 1930.
Industria alimentare Nautica Italia Resto del mondo CERTIFICAZIONI Segnalazioni - Whistleblowing © Pakelo Motor Oil S.p.A. a s.u. 2024 - Tutti i diritti riservati - P.Iva 01876150234 | CreditsQuesto sito si avvale di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle finalità illustra...
Caltex Synlube 140Compressor Oil【化学反应性气体压缩机油】 距您较近 加德士品牌 深圳市鑫喜辉商贸有限公司 广东深圳 查看详情 ¥14.80元 ≥170千克 机油生产厂家济南、河南、湖北、湖南、河北低价直销CH-4.15W/40柴油机油,柴油机头润滑用油 距您较近 -27℃ 低价 广东中海南联能源有限公司惠州分公司 广东...
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The Pakelo lubricant research laboratory is dedicated to constant lubrication oil research both for the improvement and to respond to specific product requests.
So I went from wine to oil! how did you start working at Pakelo? What struck you the most about this manufacturer of engine lubricants?I joined the Pakelo team in 2011. I can still recall the initial educational seminars and technical training sessions, which...