爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为obj 格式的Pak反坦克炮(Pak anti tank gun), 本站编号61890335, 该爱给模型库素材大小为13m, 点数为11万, 面数为23万, 含贴图, 该素材已被下载:1次,许可范围为可非商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名-可非商用-相同共享4.0, 作者为AMAC35, 更多精彩爱...
Anti-Tank gun aces - Axis History Forum Photos - WW2 German Forces | MilitaryImages.Net Axis History Forum - Search 127122_JOMSA_Vol40_11_04.pdf Panzerjäger vs KV-1 Eastern Front 1941-43 by Robert Forczyk: Osprey PublishingVolume 1 Number 11 Intelligence Bulletin July 1943 Military Intell...
部分资料参考 Anti-Tank gun aces - Axis History Forum Photos - WW2 German Forces | MilitaryImages.Net Axis History Forum - Search 127122_JOMSA_Vol40_11_04.pdf Panzerjäger vs KV-1 Eastern Front 1941-43 by Robert Forczyk: Osprey PublishingVolume 1 Number 11 Intelligence Bulletin July 1943 ...
This is a 1/35 scale plastic model assembly kit depicting the 37mm Pak35/36 anti-tank gun deployed by German WWII forces. ★The gun is comprised of numerous parts for an authentic look. It offers elevation and traverse movement. ★Choose between standard and late-war barrels. ★Comes with...
Antitank Gun PAK 40 Italeri | 货号: 318 | 1:35 基本信息 品牌: Italeri 标题: Antitank Gun PAK 40 数量: 318 比例: 1:35 类型: 完整套件 发布: 1980 新的盒子 主题: 7.5 cm PaK 40 » 大炮 (枪支) 开盒详情 注塑口 产品时间线 ...
About the Pak 40 - Anti-Tank Gun:Designed shortly before the outbreak of World War II, the Pak 40 anti-tank project was shelved due to the lighting-fast success by the Wehrmacht. After Operation Barbarossa, the Pak 40 was immediately put into production with its battlefield debut during ...
-Pak 40反坦克炮班(Pak 40 Anti-tank Gun Team) 价格:260人力;需求:装甲掷弹兵连队建造 构成:Pak-40反坦克炮x1,武器操作员x4 组员血量:100;组员体积:1.33 武器血量:350;武器护甲:70;武器体积:20 视野:35;隐形探测:10;占点/解除速度:1/1 人口(小队+单人):3+1×4;维护费(小队+单人):3+1×4 ...
Finally the heavy charge was used when the gun was fulfilling its intended role as an anti-tank gun, where it fired a 28.3 kg APCBC-HE projectile (PzGr.43) at a muzzle velocity of 935 m/s. With the heavy charge, and using the PzGr.43 projectile, the PaK44 was capable of ...
Anti-Tank gun aces - Axis History Forum Photos - WW2 German Forces | MilitaryImages.Net Axis History Forum - Search 127122_JOMSA_Vol40_11_04.pdf Panzerjäger vs KV-1 Eastern Front 1941-43 by Robert Forczyk: Osprey Publishing Volume 1 Number 11 Intelligence Bulletin July 1943 Military Inte...
Anti-Tank gun aces - Axis History Forum Photos - WW2 German Forces | MilitaryImages.Net Axis History Forum - Search 127122_JOMSA_Vol40_11_04.pdf Panzerjäger vs KV-1 Eastern Front 1941-43 by Robert Forczyk: Osprey PublishingVolume 1 Number 11 Intelligence Bulletin July 1943 Military Intell...