It’s 50% off till end of December! I still have a bunch of official Paizo Pathfinder 1e products including a bunch of original, out of print Adventure Paths! Go now! Get someone a Christmas present! Get it here! Tell Me MoreOK, Don't show this again...
1st: Combat Reflexes; 5th: Power Attack; 9th: retrain Power Attack to Shield Focus, pick up Shield Brace (huge defensive bonus w/ magic vestments + aegis ability under the abjuration implement); 13th: reacquire Power Attack Mental Focus @ 7th 3 (favored class) + 7 (level) + 4 (Int ...
I hope we can still stack all those defensive spells (or similar) together. Easl Apr 1, 2024, 08:39 am 1 person marked this as a favorite. YuriP wrote: The point is there's no point into buy an older book that has 99% of the book that you have a new one and once that ...
Skipping ahead a little, that sort of applies here. Yes, the wall Thessekka lays down cuts Ateran off from the rest of the fight, and since they’re the main healer, that’s certainly not nothing. On the other hand, the wall also creates a potential defensive formation for the party ...
The creature’s first move was to cast darkness, which was more of a defensive/escape spell, and then the whole party started whomping on it. I’ll grant, if you look at the picture it doesn’t LOOK very pleasant, but the truth of the matter is it never actually performed an ...
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber Thunder999 wrote: It wouldn't be a balance problem, Paizo just really don't like casters getting to hit things in 2e, so they made sure that polymorph spells leave you less effective than an actual martial and that you can't use magic to mitigate that. ...
@Imbicatus: I can certainly agree with you on most of your reasoning, but in all honesty (and I think maybe this wasn't clear from my initial post) I think the best defensive spells are arcane. I find stuff like Shield (+4 to AC and an added bonus against Magic Missile? Yes, than...
Round One was a bit of a mixed bag. The bad news was they broke through our pseudo-defensive line – there was a moment where Thorgrim and I had them pretty well blocked at the bottom of the map, but once the zombie shoved Chris out of the way, they had a free path up to the ...
the fact that we’re fighting in an open arena means there’s no terrain we can use to manage movement, create choke points, etc. If anything, it’s even worse because the eberarks can use their fire trails to create defensive features (they’re immune to fire, we’d take 6d6 fire...
Whether adventurers are climbing mountains in search of a dragon's lair, carving their way through the jungle, or seeking a long-lost holy city covered by desert sands, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness gives them the tools to survive the wilds. A new 20-level base class, the shifter, ...