For example, somatic pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs during the early embryogenesis in diptera, and relies on the transcription-associated chromatin architecture. Earlier models also suggest that transcription factories along the chromosome mediate pairing of homologous chromosomes in plants. These ...
Genetic recombination in eukaryotes requires the pairing of homologous chromosomes to allow precise molecular exchanges between chromosome pairs at intertwined structures called Holliday junctions, the formation of which requires the action of the RecA protein. The mechanism behind the precise pairing of str...
Here, we describe our work in examining the detailed architecture of pairing, using haplotype-resolved Hi-C to specifically target the pairing that occurs between homologous chromosomes. Haplotype-resolved Hi-C has been used to investigatecisinteractions within mammalian genomes31,32(see Erceg AlHaj ...
2.the lining up of the two homologous chromosomes or chromatids of each chromosome pair in meiosis or mitosis. Comparebase pairing. [1605–15] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserve...
The dynamics by which homologous chromosomes pair is currently unknown. Here, we use fluorescence in situ hybridization in combination with three-dimensional optical microscopy to show that homologous pairing of the somatic chromosome arm 2L in Drosophila occurs by independent initiation of pai...
New analyses reveal that TERRA transcripts arising from the subtelomeric pseudoautosomal (PAR) region of sex chromosomes nucleate pairing of X alleles in mouse ES cells. In mammals, homologous chromosomes rarely pair outside meiosis. One exception is the
Pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis is critical for their segregation to daughter cells. In most eukaryotes, clustering of telomeres precedes and facilitates chromosome pairing. In several species, centromeres also form pairwise associations, known as coupling, before the onset of pairing. We...
It was once thought that the synaptonemal complex aligns homologous chromosomes in preparation for recombination, but it is now clear that homolog pairing and (in many organisms) the initiation of recombination precedes synapsis. Thus, synapsis is a downstream consequence of early steps in recombination...
Partitioning of homologous chromosomes at the first meiotic division requires a coordinated set of activities unique to meiotic prophase I that culminates in the establishment of physical associations between pairs of homologous chromosomes. At the onset of meiosis, two important distinctions from ...
摘要: Homologous chromosomes pair in somatic cells in Drosophila, but how this occurs is poorly understood. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Viets etal. (2019) show that proteins and chromatin structure mediate pairing and argue against a DNA sequence-based mechanism....