如何解决 SPSS 16.0 中配对(相依)样本t检验中“The grid contains a duplicate pair”的问题。你变量的标签是否仍旧是空的呢?将要分析的变量标签定义成不同的文字,问题就解决了。至于定义标签,很简单,点击spss最下方的 variable view ,点击label 输入文字就行。出处http://hi.baidu.com/kind03...
在SPSS的两配对样本T检验,如何分析检验结果Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error MeanPair 1 B1=±æÈÏ¾É´Ê 89.7500 40 9.67087 1.52910 B2=±æÈÏÐÂ
双击Hypothesis Test Summary,启动Model Viewer窗口。1、总体检验结果可以表述为:经Kruskal-Wallis H检验结果显示,H=7.873,p=0.020,三组人群BMI差异具有统计学意义。但至于是哪两组人群间BMI存在差异,还需要进一步看看两两比较的结果。较低版本的SPSS软件无法直接获取相关结果,但在SPSS 22.0版本以上,能够通过...
Most data analysts are familiar with post hoc tests for ANOVA. Oddly, post hoc tests for the chi-square independence test are not widely used. This tutorial walks you through 2 options for obtaining and interpreting them in SPSS.Option 1 - CROSSTABS CROSSTABS with Pairwise Z-Tests Output Opti...
Categorical, normally distributed, and skewed continuous variables were compared between men and women using Chi-squared test, independent samples t-test, and Mann–Whitney U test, respectively. One-way analysis of covariance was used for the comparison of TWL%, BMIL, EBMIL%, and Δ Fat mass ...
Although full-featured statistics programs such as SAS, SPSS, R, and others can compute Tukey's test, smaller programs (including Analysis Lab) may not. However, these programs are generally able to compute a procedure known as Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This procedure will be described in...
Selectspent_sum * Primary credit card (Test 2)from the Fields dropdown. Figure 2. Pairwise comparisons The Pairwise Comparisons forspent_sumshows similar results, although the difference between "Other" and Visa is statistically significant. The non-significant differences for "Other" in these two...
比较输出显示在命令中使用ALPHA指定的 0.01 级别具有显着性的不同年龄段的婚姻状况的若干可预测对。 示例 CTABLES /TABLE AGE > SEX BY MARITAL /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=SEX TOTAL=YES /COMPARETEST TYPE=MEAN. 图2。 在单独的表中具有列差异显着性的结果 图3。 列差异显着性的独立表...
The data were obtained from the students' writing test and analysed using independent t-test of SPSS 18.0 version. The results show that the high proficient students engaging in the dominant-dominant pairs (H-DDP) gained better score in the aspects of content (26.50 > 24...
(伽t;百)一p E【日(加。:以)】;(5)Ef日(脚,;以)】是非奇异矩阵.于是万就具有们吼§一e)一Ⅳ(o,J一1KJ一1)§2.5.结合信息推断 最后一步,根据前面pairw汝似然得到的参数估计,再还原到最早的参数空间e+中, 来计算e‘中的参数.如果是平衡数据,建议可以取所有配对的平均值,如果是非平衡数据 时,...