“My series shows respect for Big Apple women who feel the need to blend in with everyone else in New York,” Merry says.“I think many women move here hoping to live a city life when the reality is that most women have to change their fancy designer heels(高跟鞋) on the subway for...
Yes, I think painting after a beloved one has passed does help us to release a fond farewell and can be such a way of expressing a special tribute to those whom we loved, whether it be a relation or friend, no matter how long we knew them. The colors and forms in this painting ar...
Commission a Lifelike Personalized Portrait of Your Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away Wish you had a painting to commemorate a beloved relative or pet who has passed away? Commission a portrait! Nomi often paints portraits of her clients’ family members who have passed away. She is honored to...
Commission a Lifelike Personalized Portrait of Your Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away Wish you had a painting to commemorate a beloved relative or pet who has passed away? Commission a portrait! Nomi often paints portraits of her clients’ family members who have passed away. She is honored to...
Your deposit.This small, non-refundable deposit will be applied toward the total purchase price of your painting. Except for portraits of loved ones, you are not obligated to purchase the painting if you are not happy with it; however, the deposit is non-refundable. The deposit covers the ...
Now that I’ve passed 200 posts I can shade my artistic presence with a universal declaration of love, as befits any erotic visual artist. For Continue reading OASIS – ORIGINAL EROTIC POP ART, ARTISTIC NUDE, GOLDEN SHADOW FX, VOYEUR EROTICA November 15, 2022 mariapopart Looking at her in ...
incongruity really appeals to his nature as someone who lives his life by logical assessment rather than by taking chances. He sees the irony in the idea put forward by the painting.A Friend in Needpresents dogs with human attributes – does Wolff see himself as a human with canine ones?
Sophia Charalambous
we set the jars of tempera paint around the studio tables (again, keeping warm and cool separated), and instruct them to just walk around to a color that is available and paint a little, then physically move with their painting to another color. No jars get passed – they stay put on ...
“It’s a symbol of strength,” he says. “Maybe the prehistoric man thought like that too.” And on the nearby island of Papua, he says, some people express their grief when a loved one dies by cutting off a finger. Perhaps, he suggests, the stencils with missing fingers indicate ...