prints possess an intense cinematic quality combining the gestural brushwork of expressionism with the expert lighting and framing of a Hollywood cinematographer. His oils are cinematic, atmospheric and moody, revolving around outlaws, rugged noir characters to create narratives full of dramatic possibility...
The psychological tension between the man and woman is heightened by the dramatic lighting. Man Offering Money to a Young Woman is in the Mauritshuis in The Hague. (Emilie E.S. Gordenker) The Bull (1647) Despite the fact that Paulus Potter died at the age of 28, his work was both ...
but it didn’t always work. The larger the painting, the harder it was to eliminate glare. When I started, I didn’t have a lot to photograph so I would take the artwork outdoors to a spot where the lighting was
reflective mood. The artist organizes his space with extreme precision. In the foreground is a carefully arranged group, with each member striking a graceful pose. The painting shows a rich overall coloration and balanced lighting that characterizes Perugino’s work. The idealized figures have a sta...
dramatic actions and atmospherics of nature, and his innovation has deeply influenced the impressionists. After that, the impressionists and their followers continued to try new painting styles and techniques. adopted a brighter, more emotional, and even clear stroke to represent the lighting effect ...
Painting backlit scenes can be fun, exciting and of course you might guess, very challenging (especially since you are looking right into the sun). It can also be one of the most beautiful, dramatic and exciting effects. In this case the lighting was not so dramatic, ...
Caravaggio avoids the overt emotion seen in Mannerist painting, choosing instead to highlight the grief of the mourners by hiding their faces, with careful use of dramatic tenebrism to pick out the weeping mourners, and illuminate Mary's body with heavenly light. The Entombment of Christ (Deposi...
Brighten your home or office with stunning artwork by artist Karen Whitworth View Canvas Prints Flower Painting Spotlight Bird of Paradise Blossoms This oil painting by Karen Whitworth features two striking bird of paradise flowers, bathed in dramatic backlighting. The warm hues of the flowers contras...
The painting is noteworthy for the masterful and elaborate painting of the draperies and for the absence of blue pigments. Dramatic lighting reflects Rubens’s influence by the naturalistic paintings of Caravaggio. Location: Room 18 8. Self Portrait at the Age of 34 ...
I look for lighting that transforms pretty into dramatic. I later blend realism and a dash of impressionism. I hope an observer feels emotion—that I’ve revealed the essence of a scene or creature. I plan my composition carefully, but my painting energy is a mix of impulse and habit. Fi...