Jesus Teaching at the Shore(1886-1896), watercolor Jesus Speaking to the Treasury(1886-1896), watercolor. Seated speaking in the treasury of the temple. The Lord's Prayer. Carl Heinrich Bloch (Danish painter, 1834-1890),Sermon on the Mount(1872?).Another. ...
Jesus' Teaching Art | Jesus Portraits and Art | John the Baptist | John the Apostle | Lamb of God Art | Last Supper Art | Madonna & Child Art | Moses and the Exodus | Names of God Art | OT Misc Art | Psalms Art | Palm Sunday Art | Paul Art and Paintings | Day of Pentecost ...
Birth of Jesus pictures Christian computer art siteGeorges de la Tour (French painter, 1593-1652), influenced by the dramatic chiarscuro of Caravaggio.Christ in the Carpenter's Shop (1645), Oil on canvas, 137 x 101 cm, Musée du Louvre, Paris The Dream of St Joseph (c. 1640), Oil ...
Bô Yin Râ (J.A. Schneiderfranken), 1876-1943, is the author of forty books, originally written in German and published between 1919 and 1939 in Germany and Switzerland. The works of Bô Yin Râ discuss the fundamental questions of human existence: the meaning of this earthly life a...
The Shepherd, which seems to show a reference to Jesus of Nazareth, was painted during a time when many of Baselitz’s paintings were considered objectionable or obscene by the repressive East German government where he lived and worked. The Feminine Ecstasies by Anselm Kiefer 100. The Feminine...
Henry Ossawa Tanner was an African American painter who frequently depicted biblical scenes and is best known for the paintings "Nicodemus Visiting Jesus," "The Banjo Lesson" and "The Thankful Poor."
It was also featured in the Photography Department with this photo as part of the "Art Of My Heart" Photo Essay. Art Of My Heart - Photos by Aliah Selah of her paintings in Nautre and other interesting places. A portion of the proceeds go to help the home challenged and the Jesus,...
Mary was a real person." I wondered if she struggled with Jesus as a toddler or something, probably not. He was probably always really good. I would like to have more of her grace and calm as a mother, that's hard. It's difficult in those moments that you're really tested with yo...
"The Resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ" "Elijah and the Angel" MMVII The Four Cardinal Archangels~ "The Pillars of The EARTH" In traditional angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principa...
Jesus' Teaching Art | Jesus Portraits and Art | John the Baptist | John the Apostle | Lamb of God Art | Last Supper Art | Madonna & Child Art | Moses and the Exodus | Names of God Art | OT Misc Art | Psalms Art | Palm Sunday Art | Paul Art and Paintings | Day of Pentecost ...