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Locations near you, Painting with a Twist offers a unique, memorable experience. Meet new people by yourself or bring a friend. Private events are welcome!
“in 2009 I started bodypainting after a twist of fate and a chance meeting with one of body painting’s greats. I have since rocked an insane amount of masterpieces while traveling the world as an international instructor of body painting specializing in graffiti style. I’m also one of th...
like a rainbow. You can refer to acolour wheelfor help — your palette will be whatever colours you have on hand. Try to use at least one red, one yellow and one blue, as they’re the primaries and will allow to you mix, with variation, so many other interesting colours. Mixing ...
Locations near you, Painting with a Twist offers a unique, memorable experience. Meet new people by yourself or bring a friend. Private events are welcome!