For five years running, our competition has been a hu... Read full brief This Brief is only available to Pro members Get FakeClients Pro Kindergarten Coloring Plate Pro illustration Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num”...
cohesion中的CO-是个很常见的前缀,意指“与,共同,共通,相互”(coeducation, coheir, coauthor);“辅,陪;(用于数学、天文学)余,补”(cosine, cotangent);“副”(co-flyer, copilot);HES,也作HER(adherent, incoherent, inherent),源自拉丁语,意为to stick, to get stuck;-ION参见上文相关内容,此处指行...