thinner n. 1.(油漆的)稀释剂 2.使变稀薄者;加稀料的制漆工 paint n.[C] 1.油漆;涂料 2.颜料;(paints)(由各种颜色组成的管状或块状的)一套颜料 3.涂漆;绘画作品 4.漆(层);涂层 5.【口】(胭脂、口红等)化妆品;(演员化装用的)油 thermo paint n. 示温涂料, 测温漆, 彩色温度标示漆 oil ...
thinner for paint 读音:美英 thinner for paint基本解释 油漆稀释剂 分词解释 thinner(油漆的)稀释剂 paint颜料,涂料
The meaning of PAINT is to apply color, pigment, or paint to. How to use paint in a sentence.
paint thinner 英[peint ˈθɪnə] 美[pent ˈθɪnɚ] 释义 涂料稀释剂 实用场景例句 全部 Two of the lorries, carrying industrial resin andpaint thinner, burst into flames. 其中运载工业树脂和涂料稀释剂的两辆卡车起火了。 柯林斯例句...
And I'm gonna go get some paint thinner, just in case 我去 拿些 油漆 稀释剂 以防万一 enwiktionary-2017-09 稀释液 solvent (a) For ignitibility: petroleum solvents, waste paint thinners, acetones with flashpoints less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit; (a) 易燃性物质:石油溶剂、废油漆...
A paint thinner is a solvent used to reduce thickness of oil-based paints or clean up after their use. They can also be used to remove tar buildup and other compounds. Commercially, solvents labeled "paint thinner" are usually mineral spirits with a flash point at about 104°F (40°C)...
Define Paint thinner. Paint thinner synonyms, Paint thinner pronunciation, Paint thinner translation, English dictionary definition of Paint thinner. n. A liquid, such as turpentine, mixed with paint or varnish to reduce its viscosity and make it easier
If you are an oil painter like me that is allergic to harsh chemicals and solvents like paint thinner and turpentine, then you are probably searching for ways to clean your artist oil paint brushes without paint thinner using safe methods like baby oil, pink soap, dish soap or perhaps cleani...
Capillary gas chromatography for determination of some hazardous substances inoil paint thinnerswas established. 建立了油漆稀释剂中苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯异构体多种有毒有害成分同时检测技术。 更多例句>> 5) mineral paint thinner 矿质油漆稀释剂
Paint thinner and aceton serve different purposes. Our experts compare the two products and determine best uses, pros, and cons of each.