Destroy the Mood: Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’ Reduced to a Google Maps Trip February 17, 2014 Listen: Stream Beck’s Transcendent ‘Morning Phase’ Right Now February 17, 2014 Audio: Bob Dylan’s Shape-Shifting ‘Blonde On Blonde’ Sessions – February 14, 15, 16, 1966 February ...
Destroy the Mood: Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’ Reduced to a Google Maps Trip February 17, 2014 Listen: Stream Beck’s Transcendent ‘Morning Phase’ Right Now February 17, 2014 Audio: Bob Dylan’s Shape-Shifting ‘Blonde On Blonde’ Sessions – February 14, 15, 16, 1966 February ...
Paints and plasters from two pharaonic settlement sites in Nubia (northern Sudan) were analysed to investigate the presence and origin of organic binding materials. The town of Sai was founded around the time of the pharaonic conquest of Kush (Upper Nubia) around 1500 BC, with Amara West create...