No matter which you choose, sanding is key to make sure the paint will adhere to the surface and also give you a very smooth finish for the paint. Start with 100 grit sandpaper and then finish off with 220. You do not have to go to the bare wood, just sand enough to knock down t...
Plus, the paint goes a loooong way. Coating this statue barely put a dent in my 16 oz jar of paint or the aging solution, so I could easily do a dozen more statue-sized projects. If you don't have a specialty paint shop near you then you can order Modern Masters' stuff online. A...
This law–which like most–is a screw-the-little-guy giveaway to big business and is doing just that. Reply Todd Hubcap – Really sorry to hear all this. I’m very curious as to what local law gives the city the power to enforce this issue as it’s clearly not part of the new...