TheÜber Updateadded several Paint Can colors that were sampled from the existing player models. "The Value of Teamwork" was sampled from the cross on theMedic's backpack, "Waterlogged Lab Coat" from the Medic's coat, "Balaclavas Are Forever" from theSpy's mask, "An Air of Debonair" ...
From year (and earlier):From month (and earlier):allJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTagfilter: Diff selection: Mark the radio boxes of the revisions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom. ...
For the Paint you must write it as a hex (can be found here for various colors) WITHOUT the # in front of it This template is team spirit compatiblee.g. {{Userpaint|D8BED8}} will give This user loves the Paint Color No. 216-190-216 and paints everything that color. ...
the Strange Civilian Grade War Paints could then be used in a Trade-Up to receive either a Strange Iron Wood Mk.II War Paint or a Strange Macabre Web Mk.II War Paint as those are the two Freelance Grade paints in the collection. This can be repeated for each tier, multiplying the amou...
User:Schnusch/Template:Paint splat {{User:Schnusch/Template:Paint splat|Zepheniah's Greed}} {{User:Schnusch/Template:Paint splat|E7B53B|64px}} {{User:Schnusch/Template:Paint splat|Balaclavas are Forever}}
I use this list as a quick link, because the pages of the TF2 wiki are slow to load, so in order to avoid finding links page by page or adding a web bookmark for this, I created an additional account to use as a template.
战绘(War Paint)是一种在丛林炼狱更新中加入的物品类型,它首次曝光于丛林炼狱更新第二天的公告中,用于替代战役活动中的武器掉落和武器箱。每个战绘可以用于兑换多达四十余种可选武器中的一件,玩家可以选择其中的任意一种进行预览,并在兑换后消耗该战绘以获得一件有着对应装饰的独立新武器。战绘与战绘兑换的武器(以下...
<Template:PatchDiff/December 17, 2015 Patch N/A1"VertexLitGeneric" N/A2{ N/A3"$baseTexture" "models/weapons/c_models/c_knife/c_knife" N/A4"$basemapalphaphongmask" 1 N/A5 N/A6"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1 N/A7 N/A8"$phong" "1" ...
I use this list as a quick link, because the pages of the TF2 wiki are slow to load, so in order to avoid finding links page by page or adding a web bookmark for this, I created an additional account to use as a template.
Hey yes, I'm here for Wiki Cap. On the other hand, I like to increase the knowledge that I don't need.Basically, I see a page that is red link. I will open it out of curiosity to read the original text. If I think this page is interesting or I happen to When I am free, ...