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魔玩助手提供涂色书无限提示版下载,涂色书Paint by Numbers去广告版打开数字着色本,每张涂色页都独一无二,有动物、独角兽、曼荼罗以及更多艺术主题,任您挑选。为您喜爱的图画填色改色。重新感受填色为您带来的放松与快乐。数字填色游戏的所有图片上均标有数字。
Unlock creativity with top-rated DIY paint by numbers kits from Paint with Number. Perfect for beginners and art enthusiasts. Start your journey now!
paint-by-numbers 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 用数字标明填色区域的having sections with different numbers showing which colours should be used to fill them in 2. 缺乏想象力的;呆板的;刻板的used to describe sth that is produced without using the imagination...
Discover the joy of painting with our paint by numbers collection. From landscapes to custom kits, find the perfect project for everyone.
paint by the numbers的意思 paintbythenumbers的意思 “Paintbythenumbers”是一个英文短语,直译为“按数字画画”,形象比喻按照预定的模式或步骤进行。在商业和教育领域,它通常指一种标准化、按部就班的方法,强调一致性和可预测性。然而,在艺术领域,这个短语有时带有贬义,暗示作品缺乏创新或个性。在艺术创作中...
paint-by-numbers Wikipedia adj formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity [C20: from children's painting books in which the colours to be used are identified by numbers on the design to be painted] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColli...
Paint by Numbers for Adults features personalized masterpiece custom paint by number kits for adults. Over 200,000+ happy customers. Ignite your artistic passion.
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The team of artists has just received an invitation to the Intergalactic Painting Tournament! Choose from 1000+ artworks and PAINT BY NUMBERS to bring them to life! Colorful pixel art adventures are coming!