Unlock creativity with top-rated DIY paint by numbers kits from Paint with Number. Perfect for beginners and art enthusiasts. Start your journey now!
欢迎来到 Paint By Numbers 的新品系列!在这里您可以找到我们所有的最新商品,非常适合为您的生活增添一抹色彩。无论您是在为您的艺术用品寻找新的补充,还是只是想浏览我们的最新产品,这里都是您的最佳选择。我们希望您找到自己喜欢的东西! 新的数字绘画套件 ...
paint by the numbers的意思 paintbythenumbers的意思 “Paintbythenumbers”是一个英文短语,直译为“按数字画画”,形象比喻按照预定的模式或步骤进行。在商业和教育领域,它通常指一种标准化、按部就班的方法,强调一致性和可预测性。然而,在艺术领域,这个短语有时带有贬义,暗示作品缺乏创新或个性。在艺术创作中...
paint-by-numbers 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 用数字标明填色区域的having sections with different numbers showing which colours should be used to fill them in 2. 缺乏想象力的;呆板的;刻板的used to describe sth that is produced without using the imagination...
Colour by numbers: Paper art Entertainment the Math solver Education Colour by Music colouring book Games Colour by numbers for women Games Word games for women Games Colour in - colouring games Games Say the Color, not the Word Games
paint-by-numbers Wikipedia adj formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity [C20: from children's painting books in which the colours to be used are identified by numbers on the design to be painted] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColli...
Your own paint by numbers kits Mikhail Kuznetsov 专为iPad 设计 5.0 • 1 个评分 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 数字绘画是基于数字绘制现代杰作的最佳艺术绘画游戏。您只需要按照数字免费为美丽的画作上色。着色从未如此简单,每个人都可以成为杰出的艺术家。
Paint by Numbers for Adults features personalized masterpiece custom paint by number kits for adults. Over 200,000+ happy customers. Ignite your artistic passion.
可知 paint-by-numbers 是在 战 以后创造的, 再根据第四段第四句:Butin 1951, after a show in New York, paint-by- numbers became very popular.可知它不是 一出现就变得受欢迎的,再根据最后一段倒 数第三句:Paint-by-numbers is not only popular with children, but adults also enjoy it in ...
Your own paint by numbers kits Mikhail Kuznetsov 专为iPad 设计 5.0 • 1 个评分 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 数字绘画是基于数字绘制现代杰作的最佳艺术绘画游戏。您只需要按照数字免费为美丽的画作上色。着色从未如此简单,每个人都可以成为杰出的艺术家。