PaintandSipClass"PinkLake"Discoveradifferenttimeout,enteryourhappyandrelaxingplaceforsomeme-timeorwithyourfriends.familyorworkmatesbyyourside.AboutthisEventWHATYOU' LLGETAllpaintingmaterialsareprovidedsuchascanvas(画布),paints,andbrushesWeprovideallglassware,andbottleopenersTakehomeyourownfinishedartworkona30×40...
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B 、 C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Paint and Sip Class 'Pink Lake'Discover
Paint and Sip Class *Pink Lake* Discover a different time out, enter your happy and relaxing place for some me-time or with your friends, family or workmates by your side. About this Event WHAT YOU’LL GET ● All painting materials are provided such as canvas (画布), paints, and brushe...
● All painting materials are provided such as canvas (画布), paints, and brushes ● We provide all glassware, and bottle openers ● Take home your own finished artwork on a 30×40 inches stretched canvas ● An afternoon full of fun and enthusiasm along with great music while you gain arti...
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,#A Paint and Sip Class *Pink Lake*Discover a different time out, enter your happy and relaxing place for some memeor friends. family or workmates by your side.About this Event WHAT YOU'LL GET.All painting materials are pro...
I. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)Paint and Sip Class * Pink Lake *Discover a different time out, and enter your happy and relaxing place for some me-time or with your friends, family or workmates by your side.About This Event What You'll Get. All painting materia...
PaintandSipClass"PinkLake"Discoveradifferenttimeout,enteryourhappyandrelaxingplaceforsomeme-timeorwithyourfriends.familyorworkmatesbyyourside.AboutthisEventWHATYOU' LLGETAllpaintingmaterialsareprovidedsuchascanvas(画布),paints,andbrushesWeprovideallglassware,andbottleopenersTakehomeyourownfinishedartworkona30×40...
根据文章首段Discover a different time out,enter your happy and relaxing place for some me-time or with your friends,family or workmates by your side.(找一个不同的时间出去,进入你快乐和放松的地方,与你的朋友,家人或同事在你身边)以及Age Policy 部分Individuals under 18 years old must be ...
Paint and Sip Class *Pink Lake*Discover a different time out, enter your happy and relaxing place for some me-time or with your friends, family or workmates by your side.About this EventWHAT YOU’LL GET● All painting materials are provided such as canvas (画布), paints, and brushes● ...
Paint and Sip Class "Pink Lake" Disco ver a different time out,enter your happy and relaxing place for some me-time or with your or workmates by your side. About this Event WHAT YOU'LLGET All painting materials are provided such as canvas(画布),paints,and brushes We provid...