pain:身体某部位的疼时,为可数名词,但主语必须是人I have a pain in my head/back/leg.由损伤或疾病引起的痛苦、疼痛为不可数名词Her back causes her a lot of pain.精神上的痛苦时,为不可数名词His bad words caused her much pain.表示“努力,辛苦,操心”时只用复数形式,但不能用many ,few修饰No ...
Of course, the daily chant of ordinary pain of training went on all the time through the working hours, such as of "good" bears and lions and tigers that were made amenable under stress, and of elephants derricked and gaffed into making the head-stand or into the beating of a bass dru...
63Rituximab: in the management of antiphospholipid antibodies associated chorea in a child with lupus Background and aims Neuropsychiatric manifestations are noted in 50.94% of children with lupus. Chorea, a non-thrombotic complication associated with antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA), is seen in 4% ...
Common causes of an earache include an infection, a changing air pressure or water in the ear.引起耳朵疼痛的常见原因包括感染、气压变化或耳内积水。When you have a sore throat, the back of your throat is often red and infected.当你喉咙痛的时候,你的喉咙后面通常是红色的并且...
has a pain In her back/leg/head.她背(腿、头)疼。(2)表示由损伤或疾病引起的痛苦、疼痛时,为不可数名词。如:Her back causes her a lot of Pain.她的背使她很疼。(3)表示精神上的痛苦时,为不可数名词。如:His harsh words caused her much Pain.他尖刻的话使她很痛苦。
是take pain away 还是take pains away 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 (1)表示身体某部位的疼时,为可数名词.如:She has a pain In her back/leg/head.她背(腿、头)疼. (2)表示由损伤或疾病引起的痛苦、疼痛时,为不可数名词.如:Her back causes her a lot of Pain.她的背使她很......
of the "Left Behind" series, which takes place after the Christian prophecy of The Rapture has whisked all faithful off the planet during its final days. There have also been "Growing Pains" reunion specials in which Noble has taken part, but her acting career has taken a backseat to ...
Duckman79404over a year ago Sometimes it is only one side. It's the lower back area. It's just a sharp pain that happens before i cum. Just want to know if it is serious, or anything that sounds similiar to it is serious.
Background.—The psychosocial impact of headache combined with other pains has previously been insufficiently investigated.ÅsaFromFichtelFromBoFromLarssonFromWileyHeadache the Journal of Head & Face PainFichtel A, Larsson B. Psychosocial impact of headache and comorbid- ity with other pains among ...
To expend a lot of time, effort, and care doing something.Your tutor took great pains over your instruction, but it's obvious that you've totally wasted his time and our money!It's clear that the owners have taken great pains over the interior design of the new restaurant.My grandmother...