I recently read an article about rehabilitating Achilles tendinosisthat might apply to the rehabilitation of other tendons, such as the wrist flexors and extensors that are involved in the elbow tendinopathies. I am currently applying a particular exercise to elbow patients that has been proven ...
Exit of this nerve beneath dense fascia and the tendons of brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus provide a proximal tethering against which tension develops as the distal fixation point (neuroma) is pulled through the long excursion of wrist arc of motion. This long excursion and ...
Background: Ultrasound (US) is the best technique for imaging tendons as it allows dynamic tendon examination. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can be utilized to enhance detection and evaluation of several wrist disorders. Magnetic Resonance arthrography (MRA) is the modality ...
The preoperative range of the operated wrist was maintained postoperatively. Intraoperative measurement of contact pressure of the radiocarpal joint was carried out in one of the patients. Manual compression or simultaneous contraction of flexor and extensor tendons using electric stimulation clearly ...