fixed or movable lump, visible lump or ‘bump’, single enlarged lump or many small breast lumps and bumps.Ddx= breast swelling and lumps due to lactation, lymphadenopathy, breast abscess, breast cancer, breast fat necrosis, breast cyst, fibroadenomas, papillomas. ...
A painless lump in the armpit can be due to a cyst or cancer. In women, a hard, painless lump in one armpit is suspicious for breast cancer. There seem to be no conditions that would appear with lumps exclusively in the right or left armpit. Small bumps that appear on the surface of...
For example:swelling under the skin may cause a painless lumpthat cannot easily be moved around and gets bigger over time. swelling in the tummy (abdomen) may cause abdominal pain, a persistent feeling of fullness and constipation.