I too have had tremendous pain in the mid of my back that radiates under the left shoulder blade down to my ribs. I have had it for almost 2 years. I had pretty consistent physical therapy which helped but didn't take the pain away. The most recent MRI suggested a bone spur in my...
I have had several similar issues: sharp pain in my fingers, elbows, and a pain in between shoulder blade and spine on my left side. The best thing that I have discovered (on my own) is seemingly common sense: human beings are not designed to sit, sedentary, at computer screens, for...
Your shoulder joins with your upper-arm bone (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), and collarbone (clavicle). The humerus fits into the rounded socket of the scapula. Each shoulder is held in place by a group of four muscles and tendons, called a rotator cuff, which covers and protects the...
Please help. 4 months now. I thought i slept wrong slight “kink” under my left shoulder blade. Weeks past and its painful to try to stretch arm and im now taking asprin. I can feel large tight knot form between shoulder blades. Had a friend rub my sore areas and she said she felt...
I havent slept since 2 days ago . All last night i had pain in my left arm shoulder blade amd was short of breath i got probably 1 hrs sleep as i was worried and i just couldnt sleep. And now i am fewling the same pain in my arm sometimes it tingles and my fingers hurt too....