There seem to be no conditions that would cause pain exclusively in the right or in the left armpit. Pain inbotharmpits can be caused by menstrual cycle or systemic infections, such as infectious mononucleosis. Pulled Muscles and Other Injuries Muscle injuries are one of the most common causes ...
It may seem odd to think “why does my armpit hurt,” but pain is pain, no matter where it is. And if you have pain in your armpit, you need to find out why so you can deal with it. One common reason for armpit pain is muscle strain. Your armpits and the surrounding chest and...
11.1. Cyclic breast painrefers to pain and heaviness in both breasts and, sometimes, in the armpits and arms in the period between ovulation and menstruation[45]. 11.2. Breast cancerwith enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits or a radical breast cancer surgery withremoval of thelymph nodescan res...
The spread of breast cancer may cause lumps around the clavicle or armpits into these areas. However, not all lumps are cancer. According to new cancer research, 90% of breast pain is usually unrelated to breast cancer. Breast swelling can also be caused by other causes, such as inflammatory...
Today I rested, but now there what appears to be SWOLLEN right arm, my left arm has light numbness but no difficulty straightening.When I touch any part of upper right arm, chest and armpits It is like touching a sore bruise. The main pain is located near the right inner elbow.Even ...
2. Throat Pain and Lumps In the Neck This section describes conditions with throat pain andlumps in the neckwithoutvisible abnormalitiesinsidethe throat. ACUTE conditions: A neckinjuryor surgery can cause pain and bruise on either side of the throat. ...
diagnosis. I have painful knots on both sides of my stomach, thighs, outer sides of my arms, under my breasts, back, neck & back of my head not at the same time they happen at different times this weekend it was stomach, under my breasts, arms & it was very painful. What do I ...