Conclusion: Few pediatric trauma patients who had long bone fractures and were transported to the ED by ambulance were given pain medication in the field, and there was a substantial delay to pain medication after ED arrival. Future research will focus on what occurrence is appropriate, what ...
when acetaminophen or NSAIDs are administered as directed by a dentist or otherhealth care provider, the risk of harm to children from either medication is low.
Introduction:Opioid overprescribing is a problem in orthopaedic surgery, with many patients having leftover opioid medications after surgery. The purpose of our study was to capture utilization patterns of opioids in pediatric patients undergoing orthopaedic sports medicine surgery, in addition to evaluatin...
They understood that the pain medication would not hasten her death, but they feared that it would mask her mental status, which they viewed as a marker of tumor response to chemotherapy. According to the family’s explanatory model of disease, the patient’s impaired mental status was not ...
Peter Lio, MD: Minimizing Painful Pediatric Dermatologic Procedures Orman Trent Hall, DO: Fibromyalgia Rates Significantly Higher in Patients With Opioid Use Disorder Orman Trent Hall, DO: Link Between Fibromyalgia and Opioid Use Disorder Philip Mease, MD: The Complexities of Treating Pain in Rheumat...
January 01, 2019 [MEDLINE Abstract] The Relation Between Patients' Beliefs About Pain Medication, Medication Adherence, and Treatment Outcome in Chronic Pain Patients: A Prospective Study. January 01, 2019 [MEDLINE Abstract] The Co-occurrence of Pediatric Chronic Pain and Anxiety: A Theoretical Revie...
demographic information from the child’s family was collected. One month after diagnosis (day +33), pediatric patients were administered the Waldron-Varni Pediatric Pain Coping Inventory (PPCI; Varni et al., 1994; Bonichini and Axia, 2000), the version for children and the version for parents...
It was not taken into account the potential effect of pain medication on the participants, as this is a common practice among patients with EDS. Despite that, the authors think that these results are clinically important, because those participants who had recently commenced pain medication or were...
Rehabilitation programs are designed to provide individualized assessments, treatments, and follow-up plans for patients. These programs emphasize reducing medication dependency, implementing psychological treatments for conditions like depression and anxiety, offering family counseling, enhancing socialization ...
The eligible study population included all sampled ED visits by patients aged 21 years or younger with an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision diagnosis of appendicitis (codes 540, 541). Variables Our outcome measure was receipt of analgesic medication (overall, nonopioid, and opio...