Our offices are located in Waldorf, Prince Frederick, and Frederick, MD with a dedicated team of trusted providers. OUR FACILITIES Newbridge has transformed the outpatient experience with the latest non-surgical treatments and technologies available in pain management, such as ultrasound and fluoroscopy...
Our Frederick chiropractic care upholds this belief by offering gentle, personalized treatments as part of a holistic wellness regimen. Regular chiropractic adjustments in Frederick MD, not only provide pain relief but also enhance overall health. ...
Psychodynamic pain management for cancer patientsFrederick B LevensonMD LevensonSoren VentegodtJoav MerrickLevenson FB, Levenson MD, Ventegodt S, Merrick J. Psychodynamic pain management for cancer patients. J Pain Manage 2010;3(1), In press....
Postoperative pain management: Why is it difficult to show that it improves outcome? Eur J Anaesthesiol, 15 (1998), pp. 748-751 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 19 L Brener, W von Hippel, C von Hippel, I Resnick, C Treloar Perceptions of discriminatory treatment by staff as predictors...
Joint and Muscle Pain - ScienceDirectFrederick M. Maynard MDAnne C. Gawne MDELSEVIERPostpolio Syndrome
Patients with preoperative risk factors including tobacco use, narcotic use, and mood disorders should be counseled about potential increased postoperative perception of pain after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, and surgeons should be prepared to offer alternative pain management strategies in these ...
Frederick W. Burgess PhD, MDD.Michael Anderson MDDavid Colonna MDDaniel G. Cavanaugh MDJournal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular AnesthesiaBurgess FW, Anderson DM, Colonna D, Cavanaugh DG . Thoracic epidural analgesia with bupivacaine and fentanyl for postoperative thoracotomy pain. J Cardiothorac Vasc ...