These neurotransmitters may also stimulate nerves leading back to the site of the injury. This response prompts cells in the injured area to release chemicals that not only trigger an immune response, but also influence the intensity and duration of the pain....
Right side pain from Costochondritis Costochondritis is inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum. This condition can cause severe pain in the chest, back, abdomen, or shoulder blades. The pain caused by costochondritis can be easily confused with a heart attack. However,...
Pain in the chest area linked to breathing (especially when breathing in)Functional chest pain is typically linked to breathing, and gets worse when breathing in. It radiates from a rib or nerve from the back of the body toward the breastbone (sternum). Movement-related, radiating painYou ca...
Costochondritis is the inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum. The symptoms of costochondritis are often similar to that of a heart attack. However, the main symptom of costochondritis is severe pain under the left rib cage. Coughing or deep breathing can aggravate th...
Reflux esophagitis (also referred to asGERD,gastroesophageal reflux disease) can present with burning chest and upper abdominal pain that radiates to the throat and may be associated with a sour taste in the back of the throat called water brash. It may present after meals or at bedtime when ...
There was no blood in the vomitus. He states the pain is in his lower chest and radiates to the left side, back, and upper abdomen. The pain is aggravated by swallowing. At initial exam, his blood pressure is 105/90 mmHg, heart rate is 120/min, respiratory rate is 26/min, and ...
andhomocystinuria. A dissecting aortic aneurysm will often have the history of a sharp, sudden onset of chest pain with radiation to the back.Rheumatic feveris an acquired condition that can present with the major manifestations ofcarditis, which may includetachycardiaout of proportion to degree of...
GERD causes a burning pain that radiates up the sternum. It is worsened by large meals and lying down. Antacids may relieve the pain. The pain of esophageal spasm, which is usually associated with swallowing, may he indistinguishable from cardiac pain. Since nitroglycerin relaxes smooth muscle,...
Ibuprofen is a pain medicine used to manage mild to moderate pain, fever, inflammation, menstrual cramps, and types of arthritis. Common side effects are drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and ringing in the ears. Ibuprofen is an NSAID, which ca
crushing pain or a constricting feeling in the centre of the chest behind the breast bone (sternum) or on the left side of the front of the chest. The pain can radiate out to either one or both arms, more often the left. It can be experienced in the throat, jaw, the stomach and,...