endoscopy is indicated when patients present with nonspecific symptoms of dyspepsia in the setting of alarm symptoms such as bleeding or anemia, early satiety, weight loss, dysphagia or odynophagia, recurrent emesis, middle-aged patients (>45–50 years), and family history of upper GI tract ...
Recurrent cystitis, specifically post-coital cystitis, is often comorbid with two conditions: painful sexual intercourse (“sexual pain disorders” or “dyspareunia”) and/or vaginal dryness. This trio is more frequent in young patients, and increasingly reported after menopause [1,2]. In the back...
This chapter provides an overview of the role of exo- and endogenous cannabinoids in gut homeostasis. We will focus on pharmacological actions of cannabinoids in the GI tract, both in physiological and...doi:10.1080/17512433.2018.1494571Anna Zielińska...
Gastrointestinal (GI) pain — a form of visceral pain — is common in some disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and pancreatitis. However, identifying the cause of GI pain frequently represents a diagnostic challenge as the clinical presentation is often blurred by concomit...
In recent years, as medical recognition and understanding of chronic pain conditions has grown, the topical route for pain management has seen a resurgence of interest because of its potential to deliver therapeutic doses of medication directly to a painful site, bypassing the GI tract and without...
bloating and changes in bowel habits. If you are feeling burning pain you should go and see gastroenterologist. He is a physician who is specialized in disorders and conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. You might change your food regime or something like that. Maybe your stomach can digest...
of the stomach which can protrude into the thoracic cavity in the case of a hiatal hernia, the other main parts of the gatrointestinal tract are within the abdomen. However these associated organs and other sections of the GI tract located with the abdomen may cause referred pain to the ...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN received: 27 September 2016 accepted: 20 December 2016 Published: 02 February 2017 Reduced GABAergic transmission in the ventrobasal thalamus contributes to thermal hyperalgesia in chronic inflammatory pain Chan Zhang1,2, Rong-Xiang Chen3,Yu Zhang1, Jie...
tract and the nervous system that mediates pain through the gut–brain axis. Sensory neurons detect mechanical and chemical stimuli within the intestinal tissues, and receive signals from immune cells, epithelial cells and the gut microbiota, which results in peripheral sensitization and visceral pain....
Bruce S.McEwen,MadhuKalia, inMetabolism, 2010 1.2Pain Thesensation of painis the result of a complex and interactive network of mediators and mechanisms that involve all levels of thenervous systemfrom thesensory inputvia thedorsal horn of the spinal cordto higher brain structures such as the me...