Pain that disappears after the stone is expelled in the urine (it may not go away immediately if the stone injures the urethra during passage) Blood in the urine 8. The enlargement of the prostate, either benign hyperplasia or tumor, is a probable diagnosis when the patient complains of dysu...
it can provoke intense pain and discomfort. This pain often radiates to the lower abdomen and groin and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as blood in the urine, nausea, and vomiting.
Pain during intercourse Low back pain Hip pain Cold feet Bloating (pelvic pressure) Hemorrhoids Varicose veins around your vaginal area IBS Irritable bladder (frequent urination) Frequent UTI's or (microscopic blood in urine) Cankles or tapered calf One leg larger than the other ...
20 possible causes of stomach pain in females 1. Urinary tract infection This condition is very common among teenagers, especially among girls. Symptoms may include: Lower abdominal pain Back pain Pain or burning during urination Foul-smelling urine Cloudy urine Presence of blood in the urine Fever...
Painful urination (dysuria) Blood in the urine Nausea Vomiting Dizziness Constipationordiarrhea Rash Fatigue Chills Other symptoms and signs that may occur if kidney function is increasingly compromised include: Metallic taste in the mouth Bad breath ...
the first time i had it, the discharge was pretty red so im guessing there was quite an amount of blood in it. but now, the discharge is just reddish brown. i also experience lower right back pains, strong more frequent urges to urinate, and pain during urination. about 2 da...
The lowest nerves in your spinal cord serve the sensory area and muscles of the rectum, and damage to these nerves can result in inability to control urination and defecation. Thus, a rectal examination is essential to make sure that you do not have nerve damage in this area of your body...
internal scarring (and possible infertility) reappearance of new fibroids There is a risk that removal of the fibroids may lead to such severe bleeding that the uterus itself will have to be removed. Because of the risk of blood loss during a myomectomy, patients may want to consider banki...
An urgent need to urinate, more frequent urination, and/or burning during urination A urine test Diverticulitis Pain or tenderness in the lower left part of the abdomen, usually on the left side Fever CT of the abdomen Inflammatory bowel disease including Crohn disease Ulcerative colitis Crampy ab...
An urgent need to urinate, more frequent urination, and/or burning during urination A urine test Diverticulitis Pain or tenderness in the lower left part of the abdomen, usually on the left side Fever CT of the abdomen Inflammatory bowel diseaseincluding ...