of nowhere my chest hurt really bad my hands were almost shaking and it hurt to breath...it subsided more and more every few seconds and now it hurts with certain movements and breaths in and out, deep breaths i should say...slightly sore to the touch in the upper sternum area.. iv...
you describe (pain below sternum area). If you did not have an endoscopy performed, it is possible you have an ulcer. If you have had an endoscopy and all things are fine, then it is possible you have what is known as Sphinter of Oddi dysfuntion...something I'm looking at myself....
Sternum pain is usually caused by an injury to the chest area, but don't regard sternum pain as chest pains. This condition can also be a sign of a disease or cardiac trouble that will require medical attention. Sternum pain can easily be mistaken for chest pains, which can be cause for...
Sternum pain may be acute or chronic, depending on the individual and cause. Sometimes, people who suffer from the pain may feel clicking, inability to stretch, or cracking sensations at the sternum bone. The causes of sternum pain are many and varied. Therefore, you should visit the physicia...
Pressure pain threshold and pain tolerance measured at the sternum in 17 patients with complex regional pain syndrome, Type I (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), were compared with values obtained in 13 patients suffering from other chronic pain dysfunction syndromes and in a control group of 24 pain-...
To the Editor:The internist, stethoscope in place, often forgets that one of the first rules in physical examination is palpation.In patients with epigastric pain radiating to the back and substernum, the cardiologist suspects coronary-artery disease, and the gastroenterologist peptic ulcer, gallbladd...
Pain felt in the center of the chest (e.g., below the sternum) or in the left side of the chest. premonitory pain Ineffective contractions of the uterus before the beginning of true labor. See: false pain pseudomyelic pain The false sensation of movement in a paralyzed limb or of no ...
Pain in the chest area linked to breathing (especially when breathing in)Functional chest pain is typically linked to breathing, and gets worse when breathing in. It radiates from a rib or nerve from the back of the body toward the breastbone (sternum). Movement-related, radiating painYou ca...
Occasionally, the joints and cartilage where ribs attach to the sternum (breastbone) may become inflamed. The pain tends to occur with a deep breath, and there is a tenderness that can be felt when the sides of the sternum are palpated or touched. If there is swelling and inflammation ass...
We recommend getting your sternum tattoo done when you’re having a vacation or when you can stay at home for a week. Having seat belts resting tight on your chest area will cause too much pain and inconvenience. The belt can also rub on the skin through clothing, preventing the healing ...