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The treatment of noncancer pain in the United States and globally is met with significant challenges, resulting in profound physical, emotional, and societ
–Look to the right and gently turn your head and body as far as you can go to the right. When you have gone as far as you can comfortably go, look at the furthest spot on the wall and remember that spot. Gently rotate your head back to center. Close your eyes and relax. –Reac...
6, 7, 8, 9 The subjective nature of pain and the need for patient involvement in the pain management regimen require active participation by the patient that must be based on accurate pain information and a realistic plan for pain relief. The literature and experience of clinicians over the ...
17 de Wit and colleagues 18 found that education reduced pain intensity over two months of follow-up, but had variable effects on pain relief. In a later analysis of these data, adequacy of analgesics prescribed improved with pain education up to one-month post-education, but then decayed ...
80. Paulozzi L, Mack KA, Jones CM; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vital signs: risk for overdose from methadone used for pain relief: United States, 1999-2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2012;61(26):493-497.PubMedGoogle Scholar 81. Jones CM, McAninch JK. Emergen...
Trials (2018) 19:65 DOI 10.1186/s13063-018-2461-6 STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access A multi-center, randomized controlled clinical trial, cost-effectiveness and qualitative research of electroacupuncture with usual care for patients with non-acute pain after back surgery: study protocol for a randomized ...
Anandacoomarasmy A, Fransen M, March L. Obesity and the musculoskeletal system. Curr Opin Rheumatol.2009;9:88. Available at: Accessed 21 May 2017. Messier SP, Gutekunst DJ, Davis C, et al. Weight loss reduces knee-joint loads in overweight...
and direction were based on patient diagnoses. Other factors included patient preference, prior response to care, paraspinal muscle hypertonicity, spinal joint hypomobility, and imaging findings. Additional therapeutic procedures may have included rehabilitative exercise, interferential current therapy, ultrasoun...
the KKT uses high-frequency small-amplitude sinusoidal waves to vibrate the vertebrae and repeatedly activate associated neuromuscular structures, which evoke multiple mechanisms of pain relief. There is also a small unblinded randomized trial without placebo control, which found that, compared with a ...