Sharing seafood in Paihia, New Zealand Northland & Bay of Islands Explore Paihia Find things to do 20% off deal available Explore Group - Discover the Bay/Hole in the Rock Cruise Including Buffet Lunch From NZD $ 180.00 Find places to stay ...
If you want to discover the coves and beaches of the Bay of Islands, Paihia is the perfect place to start. Cruises of all types leave from the wharf daily.
冬天出发时间是上午十点,夏天有早晨和下午时间段可选,建议看天气再订,因为有朋友去两次都是刮风天,不仅找海豚困难,海上还颠簸风雨交加,容易晕船。Paihia的海产品很丰富,吃饭的选择也很多,都集中在harbour对面的街街巷巷里。我每次必去的是Jacks Rib和京华,其他cafe的bakery和炸鱼薯条也都很不错,不会踩雷。这次我...
🌟 Paihia,这个位于奥克兰北部约4小时车程的度假小镇,人口不过2000人,却有着独特的魅力。我在这里住了两个多月,依然对它爱不释手。🏞️ 如果你不急于赶路,建议你在这里多停留一会儿。小镇上的教堂古色古香,仿佛穿越时空。还有一棵巨大的松树,据说已有144岁高龄,真是让人惊叹。🚢...
If you want to discover the coves and beaches of the Bay of Islands, Paihia is the perfect place to start. Cruises of all types leave from the wharf daily.
If you want to discover the coves and beaches of the Bay of Islands, Paihia is the perfect place to start. Cruises of all types leave from the wharf daily.
🌍 探索北岛,不必远赴千里。Paihia,这个位于北岛的宁静小镇,是远离奥克兰喧嚣的理想度假地。从奥克兰出发,沿着Whangārei,经过潜水天堂Tutukaka,最终抵达Paihia,开启一段宁静的旅程。☕️ 咖啡与美食:在Paihia,Third Wheel Coffee Co.以其卓越的咖啡和美味的Muffin、Pizza而备受推崇。这里的服务热情,让人感受到家的温...
从奥克兰中区出发,全程230公里,开车大概3小时就能到Paihia市中心。我们住的是Dolphin Motel,离市中心只有五分钟步行距离,超级方便。新盖好的房间干净又舒适,性价比超高。如果你喜欢海景房,可以试试The Waterfront Suites Paihia或者Sea Spray Suites,景色都很棒。