Sharing seafood in Paihia, New Zealand Northland & Bay of Islands Explore Paihia Find things to do 20% off deal available Explore Group - Discover the Bay/Hole in the Rock Cruise Including Buffet Lunch From NZD $ 180.00 Find places to stay ...
Paihia,这个位于北岛的宁静小镇,是远离奥克兰喧嚣的理想度假地。从奥克兰出发,沿着Whangārei,经过潜水天堂Tutukaka,最终抵达Paihia,开启一段宁静的旅程。☕️ 咖啡与美食:在Paihia,Third Wheel Coffee Co.以其卓越的咖啡和美味的Muffin、Pizza而备受推崇。这里的服务热情,让人感受到家的温暖。记得早点去,因为这里总是...
📜 Paihia 名字的由来也很有趣。一个英国人亨利·威廉姆斯取了这个名字,他只知道一点毛利文,但知道“Pai”是“good”的意思,因为他觉得这里气候宜人、风景优美,所以创造了“Pai Here”,意思是“这里很好”。当地居民慢慢接受了这个名字,并演变为现在的“Paihia”。🍽️ 此外,这里还有很多不错的餐厅和景点,我...
If you want to discover the coves and beaches of the Bay of Islands, Paihia is the perfect place to start. Cruises of all types leave from the wharf daily.
If you want to discover the coves and beaches of the Bay of Islands, Paihia is the perfect place to start. Cruises of all types leave from the wharf daily.
Paihia是一个假期中值得一游的地方,以下是一些推荐的行程: 🚽 Hundertwasser Public Toilets:位于Kawakawa的这座著名公厕由艺术家Friedensreich Hundertwasser设计,使用可回收材料制成,被评为新西兰最具代表性的建筑之一。 🐬 海豚和岩中洞游轮:乘坐游轮,途中还会停靠在一个风景如画的岛屿上,步行到岛上可以欣赏到绝美...
从奥克兰中区出发,全程230公里,开车大概3小时就能到Paihia市中心。我们住的是Dolphin Motel,离市中心只有五分钟步行距离,超级方便。新盖好的房间干净又舒适,性价比超高。如果你喜欢海景房,可以试试The Waterfront Suites Paihia或者Sea Spray Suites,景色都很棒。
If you want to discover the coves and beaches of the Bay of Islands, Paihia is the perfect place to start. Cruises of all types leave from the wharf daily.