Construction involves management of many risks, including the risk that the owner will fail to compensate the contractor for its work. Contractors often attempt to spread this risk down the contracting chain to subcontractors by including pay-if-paid and pay-when-paid ...
et al.' which involved a 'paid-when-paid' clause in a construction contract. Gilbane Building Co.'s subcontract agreements with West-Fair Electric Contractors; Permission of a subcontractor to file a mechanic's lien for the value or agreed price of labor and materials furnished.Lazaruk...
当然,在当地政府Brewer, G. (2002). Pay when paid’ 分包商与总承包商之间和(或)总支持;Pay-iιpaid;条款,而且同意clauses. Contract Journal,416(6402), 22. 承包商与业主之间,就涉及计量构成支付条件时,;Pay-iιpaid;条Devine, P. (2006). When Must A 或工程量问题或上述分包商的报款也不是完全...
et al.' which involved a 'paid-when-paid' clause in a construction contract. Gilbane Building Co.'s subcontract agreements with West-Fair Electric Contractors; Permission of a subcontractor to file a mechanic's lien for the value or agreed price of labor and materials furnished....
Paid Personal Leave Days. On the first payroll day of the payroll month of January, full-time bargaining unit members will be credited annually with six (6) paid personal leave days which must be take...
PAID SAFE AND SICK LEAVE. Employees shall accrue at one hour of paid sick and safe time for every 40 hours worked. Employees are entitled to use any accrued hours of compensated time as soon as those ...
Subcontractors and suppliers face challenges when pay-if-paid clauses are used instead of pay-when-paid clauses. The party above has more power because there are always parties willing to carry out the work under the terms of the contract as they are. Sub-tier parties cannot typically demand...
Pay if paid provisions are quite common inconstructionsubcontracts, shifting the risk of non-payment by an owner to a general contractor (or a higher tier subcontractor) to the lower tier party. These provisions, unlike pay when paid provisions, leave...
Because of the nature of the contracts, one trade credit manager explained, suppliers tend 'to operate unofficially on a pay-when-paid clause, which is double the risk' – the supplier becomes exposed to upstream supply chain risk; that is, its customers have to be paid before the supplier...