Because paid parental leave and unpaid family leave have slightly different uses, the interim rule notes that it is possible to have a situation where an employee uses some unpaid leave — kicking off the 12-month limitation period — has a child later in that 12-month period and starts ...
parentalleavePay&BenefitsThe article informs that representatives Carolyn Maloney and Mark Meadows have agreed to craft work-life balance legislation for the federal workforce at a hearing in April 2015. Topics discussed include introduction of the Federal Employee Paid Parental Leave Act by Maloney, ...
"No Right to Layettes or Nursing Time": Maternity Leave and the Question of U.S. Exceptionalism The United States, nearly alone of industrial nations, lacks paid parental leave. But by considering U.S. efforts in light of the construction of Internati... E Boris - Workers Across the Ameri...
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), would encourage new parents to accept federally-paid family leave in exchange for much-needed Social Security retirement benefits later. “You can take one, two or three months of parental leave and as a consequence of that, choose ...
Would Paid Parental Leave Pay Off? Not Everyone Agrees With OPMStephen Barr
Stephen Barr