July 21, 2023Florida Effective: May 25, 2023 Florida enacted House Bill 721, which establishes the Florida Paid Family Leave Insurance Act. This Act allows a licensed insurer to issue a policy covering the benefits related to paid family leave. Under the bill “paid family leave insuranc...
Trump, who recently told Fox News that she tries to "stay out of politics," attended meetings on pro-family tax reform with Republican members on Capitol Hill at the end of June in an effort to lobby lawmakers who have been resistant to supporting her mandate. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, ...
The Independent Women's Forum, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C., first suggested the paid leaveproposalin January. It has since garneredthe attentionof at least three Republican senators —Joni Ernstof Iowa,Mike Leeof Utah andMarco Rubioof Florida. "Paid family leave is a vi...
Freddie Smith, 36, of Orlando, Florida, recently went viral on TikTok for a video in which he challenged the boomer argument with statistics from the Bureau of Labor, Federal Reserve, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Smith believes that the older generations misunderstand millennial finances because...
BABY STEPS: WHY THE FLORIDA SUPREME COURT'S NEW PARENTAL LEAVE CONTINUANCE RULE REINVIGORATES THE FMLA'S UNDERLYING GENDER EQUITY GOALS WITHIN THE LEGAL PR... Although women are enrolling in law school and joining the legal profession in significant numbers, law firms are struggling to retain fem...
Dr. Martha Perez examines Maria Lebron in a room at the Community Health of South Florida, Doris Ison Health Center in Miami, Florida. Getty Images A new paid sick-leave law took effect Saturday in Arizona, which joins a cluster of other states in continuing momentum on an issue that has...
Laura Begley Bloom and her family had a better experience last week. Delta paid them $11,000 not to fly. Begley Bloom, her husband and her 4-year-old daughter had tickets to fly from New York to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Friday. It was the third day of the Delta weather debacle...
An ordinary weekend, driving dozens of kilometers of cars, the whole family to find a nature reserve, fishing, boating, hiking and playing for a long time, is a trip. It took 20 days to spend a holiday in a sunny beach in Florida, America. ...
Those who lack paid sick leave are highly represented among food service workers, day care workers, and home health aides who work in positions that can greatly influence the health of others. Credit: Florida Atlantic University The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that almost one...
We've done Disney character dining in Florida, they set the bar on service and make sure you're happy before you're leaveThere's no be our guest magic here. and all the stuff about "after all this is France" - the beast gives you the best ex...